Time, Cost, Effort
Read through the list below and try to remember the list for each item. Then reveal the list to see if you were correct.
This works best if you are active. If there is anything you haven't memorised, make sure you have it in your study notes then try writing out the list several times. Come back a bit later and do this again.
Time, Cost, Effort
accessibility, accuracy, attractiveness, clarity, communication of message, completeness, readability, relevance, timeliness, or usability
binary, boolean, character and numeric
Sometimes a question will refer to character and text datatypes, in this case character is for a single character only.
Accuracy, Authenticity, Reasonableness, Relevance, Correctness, Timeliness
Timeliness refers to being able to access the data when it is needed, not to the data being up to date (this would be currency).
searching, sorting and filtering
also consider the term querying which is a function of a database that can involve searching, sorting and filtering
validation, manipulation and cleansing, and applying formats and conventions
For Dynamic Data Visualisations:
create text, shapes, colours, charts, symbols/images, animations in charts and show relationships and patterns
This is just a sample from the Data Analytics Software tools and functions document is published each year on the study page. There are more but you may already know them especially for Spreadsheets and Databases.
Generally in this order: Author, Title, Other
Book: Author, Initial. (Year). Book title. City of publication, Country/State: Publisher.
Website: Author, Initial. (Year, Month Day), Title, Website name. URL.
interviews, observation, surveys and querying large data sets
ease of use, flexibility and robustness, and accessibility, including navigation and error tolerance.
alignment, balance, contrast, image use, space, and formatting (esp for text and tables).
data dictionaries, tables, charts, input forms, queries and reports
Past exams and other parts of the study design refer to others especially annotated mock-ups and layout diagrams and storyboards.
identification and sequencing of tasks, time allocation, dependencies, milestones and the critical path
age appropriateness, commonality of language, culture inclusiveness and gender
archiving, backing up, disposing of files and security
adjustments to tasks and timeframes, annotations and logs
accidental, deliberate and events-based
usernames and passwords, access logs and audit trails, access restrictions, encryption, firewalls and system protection.
Equipment controls include zoned security strategies, barrier techniques and biometrics.
Physical procedures include backing up, shredding confidential documents and checking authorisation credentials.
backing up, evacuation, restoration and test plans
Note that restoration is not just restoring data from backups. It involves restoring everything to make the organisation functional such as power, furniture etc
Health Records Act 2001
Privacy Act 1988
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
input required, output developed and functions of the solution
usability, reliability, portability, robustness and maintainability
Don't confuse these with design principles